Birds In Flight Heron Bird Animal  - Adriansart / Pixabay


Healthy Body, Healthy Finances, Healthy Relationships.

The Power of Positive Control. 

Why do we argue? 


  1. Money
  2. Intimacy
  3. Children
  4. Chores

We Cops, Firefighters, Medics, Military, are passionate people! We are passionate about about our CHOSEN career and our calling to serve others. That’s why we fight because we care. Focus your arguments. Now that you have started to track your expenses, Semper Semita. Start to figure out a plan. Start to get on the same page.

Tracking and Planning.

I run in a Law Enforcement Relay Running Race AKA: Baker to Vegas, B2V. Every year that I participate, I start by setting goal, and I WRITE it down. I’m going to run Leg 7 at a 7:30 pace. Then I pull up my running plan, and I PRINT it out on paper. Yes–print it on paper. I usually hang the plan up on my garage refrigerator with a pen next to it.  

Why? I physically have to walk by it daily and be reminded of what my goal is. I also use RunKeeper, an APP, to track my runs. These two checks and balances assist me, but to truly make it all come together, I need accountability.  

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

       –Vince Lombardi 


Regular meetings or running with others causes an increase in your drive to have success. Hearing other people’s success stories is critical to your own success. We as human beings love when someone else is successful in what they do because it gives us hope in our own future! I may choose to tell someone that I’m going to run a half marathon in 1 hour 35 minutes, or I’m going to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. 

Before you can create a spending plan you must commit to a goal. The goal should have a clear and concise number and a time assigned. I’m going to pay off my $116,000 student loan debt in 24 months.  

ACCOUNTABILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY!!! It is paramount in your success. Tell someone who will hold you accountable–or better yet, make it public. You care about that person. You don’t want to let them down. The public will hold you accountable. Heck, tell me, and I would love to help hold you accountable.  

My Grandpa Thomas would sit and read a lot.  He would read his Bible, but sometimes he would read a book. On the side of the book it had a name, the name was Zig Ziglar. 

I remember saying to my grandpa, “Is that his real name, Zig?” 

My grandpa would reply, “Yep.” 

When I was in my teens he gave me one of the books, See You at the Top. Little did my grandpa know what effect that book would have on my life and my outlook on life. It is the reason why I started this blog to help my law enforcement family become debt free. 

So why, Healthy Body, Healthy Finances, Healthy Relationships. 

The Power of Positive Control.

It is so important to know our WHY

Why workout. 

Why budget. 

Why become debt free. 

Why have a healthy relationship. 

WE have to know where we are going in order to get there. You shouldn’t be in a foot pursuit with a suspect if you don’t know why. You shouldn’t be stopping a vehicle code violation if you don’t know why. And you should definitely not be a cop or dispatcher or firefighter unless you know why. I have a firm belief that all these things in our life have an astounding relationship to one another. If you chose this profession, you do know your why. You may have lost it. Go find it.


A radio call every cop has been to…

ADAM 12 (call sign) respond to 1234 Delta Way for reports of a 415 M/F (disturbance between a male and a female).

Officer to other officer, “Weren’t we just there last week?”  

This happens day in and day out we continue to go to the same radio calls regarding the same citizens. Simply put this is a sad case.  We go to domestic violence training, and they harp on the domestic violence cycle and how it works. You know how it goes–tension builds–an argument ensues–and then the argument turns physical. After the physical altercation, things smooth out, and we are back to the ‘honeymoon phase.’ Then repeat. 

This type of cycle I believe bleeds over into public safety finances. We continue to go through the motions of living paycheck to paycheck or working extra overtime to cover the bills. I am a fan of a zero budget, but not living with added stress that a professional like you does not deserve.  

My goal is to help every public safety member retire debt free with a great pension and extra money in the bank.  

So the time to change is yesterday. Stop the cycle. Stop getting paid, paying the bills, working, not saving, repeating. You are an amazing cop, an amazing dispatcher, or an amazing public servant. You deserve a healthy body, budget, retirement, and relationship. Don’t believe? Then keep reading!


You’re at a social gathering and after meeting someone new, he asks you: “It’s nice to see you. So, what do you do?” 

“I’m a Cop,” you answer. “Oh! You’re a Cop! Cool. I wanted to do that when I was a kid. What do you make?”


“I make holding your hand seem like the biggest thing in the world when someone just tried to hurt you.

I make those annoying sirens sound like angels singing when you need them.

I can make your children…breathe…when they stop.

I make myself get out of bed at 3am to risk my life to save people I’ve never met.

I make it possible for you and your family to be safe, and I make going to work for your family’s life and protection, a duty that I will die for.  

I make myself work holidays, weekends, nights, during rain, sleet, snow, freezing weather, hurricanes, tornado’s, and other disasters.

I make my family miss me terribly while I miss their birthdays, school events, sport activities, and special occasions in order to serve the needs of others.

I make it possible for you to live your life in peace, freedom, and security.

Today I might make the ultimate sacrifice to save your life.

I make a difference in everyone’s life that I have touched.



Make the difference in your own life. Take back control of your physical self, mental self, financial self, and your relationships.Whoever hired you, hired you because they saw an amazing person. Be the amazing person that you and I know you are!

Your Assignment.

  • Not in a relationship—Write one physical goal and one financial goal. Who will hold you accountable? Reach out to them. 
  • In a relationship—Go on a date in your house or back yard together, with an adult beverage if necessary, and write one physical goal and one financial goal. Who will hold you accountable? Reach out to them.

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